Great mystery thrillers are a favorite of most readers. They can be really addicting from the start to the end. While reading a mystery book, we want to know all the who's and how's and why's and where's, and we use our imagination to answer the questions along the way. But do you ever think about why we tend to be so curious? Great mystery thrillers consist of four basic elements, without which there simply isn't enough mystery. 




If the characters in mystery thrillers were boring, nobody would read them anymore. The best characters are engaging and entertaining, and possibly the book's secret antagonist. It's always exciting to be endeared to a character, only to find out that he's actually the bad guy.


Intriguing Plot


A boring plot can never hold the interest of any reader. A mystery thriller must have a "hook" which serves to pull the reader's interest all the way to the end. A good plot is one that makes readers never want to put the book down, because they can't wait to know what's going to happen next.


An intriguing plot is established gradually. If the reader gets too much at once, things become overwhelming instead of intriguing. Too many characters, for instance, hardly helps solidify the relationship between the reader and a character. Related articles pertaining to this are provided in the site at Additionally, having too many people killed in  a story could feel too gory that it turns a reader off. A plot that is consistent and well thought out is the most important requirement for a reader to turn the pages unstoppably.


Action and Adventure 


Again, the best mystery books would be barely interesting if all the events happened in one room and no elements ever change. That's why usually, mystery thrillers are on the go, happening outside houses with people moving in some way and for some reason. Action and adventure make a story captivating and readers interested.


Element of Suspense 


Of course, a mystery thriller that has no element of suspense is a waste. It's the key attraction!  Suspense identifies the story's layers and dimensions. It allows characters to go wild and crazy in some situations, and the readers to feel like they're part of the characters' lives. Of course, suspense also strengthens the connection between the reader and characters. Worrying about a favorite character and whether they will survive the situation or not is all part of a mystery thriller that hooks.


All of these - the characters, the plot, action and adventure, and  the suspense - are what good mystery thrillers are made of. If one of them is missing, the story suffers and the reader's experience is compromised. The combination of these four is what creates the magic behind mystery thrillers. If ever you need free kindle books, you can find some in the given link.